Global Read Aloud

Official start date: October 6, 2014

Could I wait? No! I was hooked the minute I saw a tweet about this global initiative by Pernille Ripp. I immediately purchased 3 of the books and starting reading them to decide the best fit for my class.

My favourite was One for the Murphy’s by Linda Mullaly Hunt. This is a tough topic but one that I hope will encourage the children to have a greater understanding and compassion for others.

In the meantime, we have just finished reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane which the students and I loved. Edward’s growth in the book tied in really well with our last unit. We now have 4 more of Kate DiCamillo’s books on their way to our classroom library in readiness for Term 3.

I have just returned to Pernille’s blog and taken a bit more notice.(Clouded by excitement over collaboration) Did you see the book swap idea? 5SK and I are going to do some serious brainstorming to decide on books that depict our way of life and Aussie spirit.

This collaboration just keeps giving. We look forward to connecting with you all in October. 🙂