
Have we told you about our Aussie competitiveness? Give us a challenge and we take it on full force. ISTE 2015 is currently taking place in Philadelphia with approximately 18 000 participants from around the globe. We were not able to attend so we signed up for the #notatiste15 challenge.
Educators are following the presentations using Twitter, Periscope, YouTube and many other forms of social media. The access to resources from the event is sensational. A big shout out to Craig Yen who is posting many fabulous resources and Jennifer Wagner who is running the Google Plus community for #notatiste15. Sue Waters has collated this amazing list of ‘How to Participate in ISTE‘.
I have really enjoyed completing some of the tasks for the challenge. Not only am I having fun but I have also learnt a few new tech skills along the way. One of the most enjoyable tasks was to create my badge. I really like this concept and can see it as a great activity for the start of the school year.