Pocket App

Pocket is a free app used to save web articles, videos and images for later reading. Firstly, go online and register for a free Pocket account. Next download the app on your device, you will then be prompted to add a pocket button to the browser or share bar which allows you to save articles, videos, images as well as subscribe to sites for later viewing.

Pocket syncs across all platforms and devices. Most websites are cached which means they can be read offline later. This does not apply to videos though. Pocket also allows you to save straight from Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Dropbox, Evernote and more.

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Choose how you would like your content displayed, either in a list or in a grid. Your saved content can be tagged into categories for easy retrieval. Articles can be filtered into ‘article, image, and video’ view or allow Pocket to automatically categorise content for you. If you are worried about memory space, set offline storage limits. It is easy to delete content you have finished with it and there is an ‘undo’ button if you want it back again! Pocket has been voted one of the top ten apps for 2014.

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Pocket website

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Twitter – @pocket

KM 🙂