
I have just discover the Prizmo app. This app is an OCR app that turns your iPad or iPhone into a scanner.

Prizmo allows you to scan and recognise text documents, business cards and images, edit them, export them or even read out the text.

It is this ability of Prizmo to read text out aloud that excites me the most. This will be very useful for students who have reading difficulties. Imagine taking a photo of text in a book, scanning it and then having it read back to you?

Prizmo is more than just a scanner though. You can improve the picture, crop and adjust curved pages, edit text and then export text as a PDF or copy it to your clipboard and then open it in a Word document.  Documents can be stored in icloud and opened using apps such as Drop Box, Good Reader, iBooks, Google drive, One Note, Book Creator and even Kindle.

I am looking forward to experimenting more with this app.


Prizmo  – available on itunes app store – $12.99

Youtube Tutorial

Youtube Tutorial – more detail

KM 🙂

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